Cominka Owner Interview vol.4 “Ojika Cominka Stays and Cominka Restaurant”(2)
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長崎県北松浦郡小値賀町笛吹郷2791-13 フェリーターミナル内
TEL:0959-56-2646 FAX:0959-56-3530
小値賀島のウェブサイト http://ojikajima.jp/
小値賀島の古民家ステイのウェブサイト http://ojika-stay.jp/
より大きな地図で おぢかさんのオススメスポット を表示 |
この地図の周辺スポットを見る 1)野崎島の旧野首教会 1908(明治41)年、教会建築の名工、鉄川与助によって設計・施工され、創建当時の原形が保たれており、全国からも高い評価を受けています。 所在:長崎県北松浦郡小値賀町野崎島 2)地ノ神島神社
肥前型鳥居の中でも旧平戸藩内にのみ分布する鎮信鳥居と通称される珍しい形式の鳥居。向かい側にある野崎島の沖ノ神島神社と対になっている。 所在:長崎県北松浦郡小値賀町 |
Cominka Owner Interview vol.4
“Ojika Cominka Stays and Cominka Restaurant”(2)
Fund, legal issues and getting consensus
We had a cominka which used to be a private property donated to the town and applied for a grant. It was impossible without support from the central government. Meeting the standard of the Building Standard Act and acquiring a license of accommodation facility also took a long time.
I presented the idea to a women's club and the town council, as for this program the structure is taken care of by the government while a private company does the management. The cominka before renovation was pretty run-down and every time I showed them a business plan, I was asked "Are you sure?". But as it was a project we absolutely had to succeed, I lead the discussion not to whether or not it would be successful, but what should we do to make it successful.
Change in the community
Also, the general atmosphere of "those who came from outside are working hard, so why don't we do it?" is emerging. Young people are returning and about a hundred of people have moved in to the island, opening seven new shops/restaurants in this couple of years.
But it's still a long way to go. I hope we can improve the unbalanced population graph, making it possible for work and lifestyle of the island to be handed down to the next generation.
"Utilization" rather than "preservation" of cominka
Starting point of this program was the encounter between Alex and our cominkas. Every cominka was barely standing, and it was really wonderful we could renovate them in this timing. Yet keeping cominkas is not an end in itself. It's something to be utilized for our own lives, otherwise it doesn't contribute to the island.
Upcoming challenges
Our current customers are those in their 30's-40's who develop new tourist spots. Although at the moment their main segment is active and refined women, we are planning to appeal to wider customers in near future in collaboration with travel companies. As we are developing Ojika brand of products, we are hoping to promote our processed goods as well.
Above all, we want to produce more jobs. We want to pay more for local mothers who are working for our programs. We are hoping that income from Ojika Island Tourism makes it possible for them to continue fishing, raise children and let their children take over their family business.