児童文化の殿堂「絵本と木のおもちゃ 横田や」
Edifice for Children’s Culture “Yokotaya – Picture Books and Wooden Toys”
English here.
「古民家びと企画」の古民家オーナーインタビュー第1弾は、仙台市青葉区にある「絵本と木のおもちゃ 横田や」のオーナー、横田重俊さん。築140年以上と言われるお店に入ると、所狭しと並べられた木のおもちゃが目に飛び込んできます。奥には絵本コーナーがあり、お店全体におとぎの世界のような独特の時間が流れていて、また来てみたくなるお店です。
味噌しょうゆのお店「横田屋」から「絵本と木のおもちゃ 横田や」へ



絵本と木のおもちゃ 横田や http://www.yokotaya.net/
こどもとあゆむネットワーク http://www.ayumunet.jp/
「絵本と木のおもちゃ 横田や」オーナーさんオススメのスポットはこちら!
より大きな地図で 絵本と木のおもちゃ横田や を表示 |
この地図の周辺スポットを見る 仙台広瀬河畔教会納骨記念碑 象設計集団による手描きのタイル絵やモニュメントがある。 所在:宮城県仙台市青葉区北山1-17 北山キリスト教墓地内maruhocafeマルホカフェ 通称おもちカフェ。お餅を使ったメニューが美味。 所在:宮城県仙台市青葉区北山1丁目2-24Cake里菜 住宅街の中にあり、普通は見つからない。 所在:宮城県仙台市青葉区山手町5-16 |
Cominka Owner Interview vol.1
Edifice for Children’s Culture “Yokotaya – Picture Books and Wooden Toys
As the second edition of Cominka People Opening Special Feature “Cominka Owner Interviews”, we would like to deliver you the interview of Shigetoshi Yokota, who is the owner of toy & book shop “Yokotoaya” in Aoba ward, Sendai. As you enter the shop, which is said to be more than 140 years old, you are overwhelmed by wooden toys which fill up the space. The next room is for picture books, and the whole shop is like a wonderland – somewhere that makes you come back again.
From “miso and soy source” to “picture books and wooden toys”
“Ya” of “Yokotaya” used to be in Chinese character. This place was both home and shop for “Yokotaya – miso and soy source”. There was a factory behind this building, and they would produce their product there then sell it here. It’s only this shop structure that’s remaining. My grandfather lived here, there were some miso and soy source makers living on the second floor, behind their rooms lived my great grandmother… everybody was living together here. After my grandfather closed the shop, we leased this place to a stationary shop for about 10 years, then when the stationary shop was closing down, I took it over. That’s how Yokotaya started. I started to sell picture books which I really like, so at the beginning it was “stationary and picture books”. And as a picture book shop I thought Hiragana was more appropriate than Chinese character, so I changed the name a little bit. We didn’t have a large name board as we do now. We had only a small wood plate.
Encountering picture books and toys
When I was doing my MA, I heard “Wordplay Song” by Shuntaro Tanikawa from radio by chance. Then as I looked for it, it was actually a picture book. That’s when I found out that picture book is a very interesting medium. As for toys, I encountered its charm at the European Toy Exhibition in Miyagi Museum of Art. After that, we started to shift away from stationary – it’s occupying only a small corner now. I felt toys are somewhere very close to picture book. So we gradually became “picture book and toys” as we are now.
We sell things that are not selling in other places
Many toy shops don’t deal with wooden toys as they are expensive and don’t sell. But we deal with those toys that other shops don’t. Picture books, too – I’m often told we have too many in the shop. We are just selling stuff that other people don’t. It’s not children that actually pay for toys and picture books, so our customers are adults with children. It is true that doing my trade, this building has helped me. Customers often say things like “it’s a good match”, “It’s something you can’t have in Tokyo”… I guess this cominka is providing a good space.
Have you ever thought of rebuilding?
It costs a lot, you know. And surely it’s a building with some history. A carpenter who did the interior told me many interesting things about this building “this part has some characteristic structure”, “if you ever deconstruct, nails are very expensive so make sure to keep them”, “Make sure to keep that zelkova plate, too” etc. On one of built-in drawers says it was built by somebody called Jokichi in 1876. That’s how far we can go back. We don’t know the exact year in which it was built, but I presume around that time. In this area, great old buildings were abundant up to around 1950s – there were buildings like large kura (Japanese warehouse), but they were demolished in redevelopment.
Kamishibai – a unique Japanese children’s culture
Kamishibai just made it into English as it is. It’s unique to Japan. It’s Children’s Cultural Property. It’s not “Paper Theater” (literal translation of Kamishibai)! If you want to publish a picture book, it requires lots of time and process like printing, bookbinding, etc. Kamishibai is good at this point; you can convey culture with children with minimum of equipment. Libraries of Miyagi have many old Kamishibai; they are Designated National Cultural Property. I heard the last Kamishibai performer in Sendai donated them. I originally wanted to become a chemist, so I didn’t know anything about children. I didn’t know what “reading session” was. Having started myself long time ago, I now teach it to kindergarten staff why we need it and how to do it, as a part of the field called Children’s Culture.
Picture book and toy are communication tool that connect children and adults
For a long time, I have said picture books and toys are communication tools that connect children and adults. Something with which you can have a good time, good relationship with children – that’s what we have been dealing with. As they are tools, scary things can happen when you use them in a wrong way. I don’t like the word “educational material”. “Educational toy” is a little bit better, but as soon as you start using the word “material”, it’s like a means becoming and end. Adults set the goal and make children go there, but I thing that’s wrong. It’s not like you learn because you are told to do it – you learn because you want to do it.
When the Great East Japan Earthquake happened
I was at this shop. If you look closely, there are some cracks, but no problem on the basic structure of this building. I’m really grateful to the building for enduring, all the more because it didn’t pass the earthquake resistance test. During the tremor I was hearing huge creaking sound. I’m sure all roof tiles would have fallen, if we hadn’t renewed them a few years ago. Many old houses were lost by the earthquake… I hope everything, not only cominka, that survived the earthquake will be treated well.
On his volunteer activities after 3.11
Having felt urge to help children regain everyday life and as a token of my gratitude for keeping me in this business for 33 years, I launched “Walking with Children Network”, declaring it will operate no longer than 3 years. It signifies my hope that before 3 years pass, we will have concrete idea of how to rebuild. If not, it’s all we adults’ fault. Our activities include providing bookshelves made of reinforced cardboards, which neither take up space nor become garbage.
Shigetoshi Yokota
Born in Sendai, Yokota lived in Yamagata until he was 3, then in Tokyo up to his 20s. Originally pursuing to become a chemist, after acquiring a MA in chemistry he returned to Sendai, where he took over a stationary shop, shortly starting to sell picture books as well. “Yokotaya – Picture Books and Wooden Toys” is in its 33rd year now. As a preacher of children’s culture, he has been teaching at universities and organizing many reading sessions at kindergartens. After March 11th, in order to “help children get back to everyday life as soon as possible”, he has been tirelessly visiting kindergartens and schools of affected areas, delivering picture books, toys, stationaries and “playing”. He is the representative and a co-founder of “Walking with Children Network”, which has so far delivered more than 40,000 picture books to the affected areas.
Yokotoya – Picture Books and Wooden Toys
Walking with Children Network
Discover the area with places the owner of “Yokotaya – Picture Books and Wooden Toys” recommends!