Cominka Owner Interview vol.5 “Nagamachi yugakuan bistari”(1)
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この地図の周辺スポットを見る 楓林(フウリン)中華料理 JR長町駅から徒歩1分。美味しくてボリューム満点な中華料理店。 お腹も心も満たされ、元気になれるお店です。 所在地:宮城県仙台市太白区長町5-12-15 電話:022-246-1914 定休日:水曜日 びすた~りフードマーケット 地下鉄長町1丁目駅徒歩1分。 自分達で大切に作った野菜や県内産の農産物を中心に安全・安心の商品を販売しています。 所在地:宮城県仙台市太白区長町1-7-37 電話:022-738-7231 定休日:土・日・祝 |
Cominka Owner Interview vol.5
“Nagamachi yugakuan bistari”(1)
Feeling a connection between food producers, cooks and customers
I thought I had enough of working in a restaurant. However, one day I was told by one of my acquaintances, who was a manager, that he wanted help to start a new restaurant. So I decided to help him. In the neighborhood of that restaurant there was a welfare institution and there was also the chance to meet the people who worked in the welfare sector. They came to the restaurant as customers.
The work was much different from what I did at the hotel, where there were things like the pleasure of serving guests, and the flashiness of the food. At the restaurant, I did things like going to the producers' to get the ingredients. The fact that restaurants actually stand upon such a system was a brand new discovery to me. There were people who carefully looked after the vegetables, then there were people who cooked those vegetables, and finally there were people who ate them. When I saw my new job from this point of view, I felt a pleasure in it. In that, there were the thought and the passion of people who create something.
Atmosphere rather than speed or impact.
At the time disabled people came to the restaurant I worked in, I felt a somehow particular atmosphere. Just for the fact that they came inside, It was like the whole place and its customers became gentler. I myself felt more comfortable, and also from the point of view of the restaurants itself, I think such an atmosphere was really important. Thanks to their presence, we were more ourselves. If I were with them, wouldn't it be possible to express something new as a restaurant? – I started to think.
A new challenge
There were many people who wanted to challenge outside, they wanted an income, or a life on their own, but in the welfare institution I worked for, even though they were aware of it, they did not manage to do the things they wanted. The subsidies for welfare rapidly began to shrink and in search of new developments to our work, the proposal to start a restaurant came out: however, risks were high, and it was rejected by the institution board. Risks were high, but I decided to do it, by setting up a new organization.
Interview: Kinya Hayakawa
Translation: Communa Translation Design, LLP
Toshihiko Kikuta
3-7-1, Nagamachi, Taihaku, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan 982-0011
TEL:+81-22-352-7651 FAX:+81-22-352-7652
Website of Bistari
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