古民家オーナーインタビューvol.5「長町遊楽庵びすた~り」(後半) Cominka Owner Interview vol.5 “Nagamachi yugakuan bistari”(2)

Cominka Owner Interview vol.5 “Nagamachi yugakuan bistari”(2)

English here.















宮城県岩沼市生まれ。NPO法人ほっぷの森 理事、就労継続支援A型事業所「長町遊楽庵びすた〜り」代表。民間リゾートホテルにてレストラン・企画・営業など様々な職種を経験した後、有名料理店での料理部長をはじめ、長年、飲食業に携わる。障害者支援施設での経験をきっかけに新しいレストランの表現として、築120年の古民家をレストランとして再生。

TEL:022-352-7651  FAX:022-352-7652
「長町遊楽庵びすた〜り」のウェブサイト http://www.bistari-nagamachi.com/



より大きな地図で 菊田俊彦さんのオススメスポット を表示
定休日:水曜日 びすた~りフードマーケット


Cominka Owner Interview vol.5
“Nagamachi yugakuan bistari”(2)

The fifth episode of Cominka Owner Interview features Mr. Kikuta. He is a representative of a cominka restaurant Bistari, where people can enjoy not only food, but concerts and theatrical performances. This restaurant, run as a facility for the assistance of disabled people, hosts around 100 events per year and is fully equipped for the variety of facility (audio equipment, screen etc.). This restaurant embraces you in a relaxed and gentle atmosphere.

Executive commitee without pay

It took us 2 and a half years to open Bistari, after setting up the "Executive Committee for the Project of Creating Bistari". In the beginning, we started as a LLP (Limited liability partnership), thinking about the practical use of the subsidies, then we later switched to the current NPO format. During the first year, I carried out the activities while working at the welfare institution. The meetings took place once a week. Even if we all were unpaid, we exchanged with each other everything we wanted to say. There were things we individually wanted to do or value, so it was difficult to settle the matters. There were both direct and indirect forms of support: we could not know if the two could be joined together, if we did not try. Many people joined us but as soon as the situation began to change, many of them left.

Connection with the local community

It was the time when a big shopping mall was built in Nagamachi and the local shopping streets began to get weaker that I encountered the cominka which was later to be Bistari, introduced by a person who was involved in the shopping street revitalization. The first time I saw the building, the exterior was worn out, all put up with wires. It was in a pitiful condition. However, I remember it still appeared dignified and strong.
To get the people from the local community know our activities, we organized events in front of the station and explanatory meetings. We also joined shopping streets' events, shrines festivals – we were very active. We also organized an event where people bought a tile we made for a thousand yen. Those tiles are actually used on the pathway which leads to the building.

Synergistic effect between the restaurant's appeal and its role as an institution

Being an institution for continuous employment support, Bistari is an enterprise which aims at creating general employment. Currently we employ 11 people, paying them salary.
What makes our restaurant attractive is that “Buildings, fields and everyone – all are working hard”. Disabled people, apart from working in this restaurant, as part of their job, join lectures, visit various work-places and take professional training. These activities are important for their growth, but since hard-working results in much stress, it cannot go on only this way. Touching the earth in the field becomes an exercise to develop their physical strength, as well as to release stress and calm themselves. Such a relaxed atmosphere, together with that of the building, is conveyed to the customer.
One principle of restaurant is thinking as a customer would do. For those who are making a lot of effort, we ask questions such as; “What would you think of it if you saw it from the viewpoint of a customer?” “Why don't we try a bit more?”, in close communication with them. Fulfilling the duty of supporting the disabled people, and making business as a fascinating restaurant are one and the same thing.

Interview: Kinya Hayakawa
Translation: Communa Translation Design, LLP

Toshihiko Kikuta

Born in Iwanuma, Miyagi Prefecture. Board member of NPO “Hoppu no Mori” and representative of Bistari – center for the support to continuous employment type A. After working in the restaurant, planning, managing departments of a private hotel resort, he was appointed as the chief cook in a famous restaurant. With his experience in an institution for supporting disabled people as catalyst, he started a restaurant in a 120 year-old cominka as a new expression of food-business.

3-7-1, Nagamachi, Taihaku, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan 982-0011
TEL:+81-22-352-7651  FAX:+81-22-352-7652
Website of Bistari

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