古民家オーナーインタビューvol.6京都・美山のブラッキー中島さん(Part1)Cominka Owner Interview vol.6 “Mr. BLACKY Nakajima from Miyama, Kyoto” (Part 1)

Cominka Owner Interview vol.6
“Mr. BLACKY Nakajima from Miyama, Kyoto” (Part 1)

English here.


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そばの花が咲く重要伝統的建造物群保存地区「かやぶきの里 北村」

美山町には、重要伝統的建造物群保存地区に選定されている「かやぶきの里 北村」という有名な観光地がありますが、魅力的な場所はそこだけではありません。50以上ある集落は、地域資源・観光資源の塊です。次第に、それらが一体化して見えるような取り組みができないかと考え始め、まずは自分なりの思いのたけをぶつけた企画書「美山自転車の聖地プロジェクト」をつくり、身近な人に見せることから始めました。


Part2 >>







Cominka Owner Interview vol.6
“Mr. BLACKY Nakajima from Miyama, Kyoto”(Part1)

The 6th edition of our Cominka Owners’ Interview features Mr. BLACKY Nakajima, the organizer of “Miyama – the Capital of Bicycles” project. One after another, he promotes an innovative, attractive project that brings people to the town, such as a Cycle Green Tour with more than 1000 participants, and Rice Paddy Owner System for Kids. In Miyama we discovered a clue for saving Japanese beautiful Satoyama (a Japanese word that refers to the area where mountainous town lives in harmony with the surrounding environment).

Falling in love with a cominka that he was coincidentally introduced to.

Originally, we were living in Osaka, renting a house of a friend of mine who had been abroad. But as that person was to come back, we started to look for a house that is large enough to accommodate both my bicycles and my stuff related to my work. Although there were several candidate places, after family meetings, we decided to move to Miyama town, where, since when my son and I took part in Kyoto Miyama Cycle Road Race, we had visited 2-3 times a year.
At the beginning, my intention was to build a new house on a vacant lot. So I was looking for a land of about 330-660㎡ large, observing how thing go for two seasons. There are elements that are unimaginable in urban environment, like snowplow comes to only main roads despite it snows a lot. All the available lots I had been shown were too expensive, and I couldn’t find a fitting land even deep in the mountain.
Then one day, when I said to the real estate agent “now a secondhand house will do, too”, I was told that there is a house which had just been put on sale, and that’s how I encountered this cominka. I liked it at the first glance. It was about 2000㎡ with the land and the house altogether. It was close to the post office, town hall and grocery store. It snows relatively less there and a snowplow comes to quite close to the house.

Renovating the cominka with family members and friends

Although we decided the place to move to, the house was not in a condition to live in yet, with toilets and bath not functioning. So we started with cleaning up the place and throwing away what was left there, while preparing the renovation. We considered various layouts, but eventually decided to use the big beam in a bold fashion. As the head jamb was low, the floor level has been lowered by about 10cm.
We started the renovation work at mid-October. In order to share the vision with the carpenters, I prepared a drawing that explains what kind of space I wanted, subsequently asking them to work on replacing external walls, replacing the rotten foundation, straightening up the whole structure. In the meantime, we concentrated on placing and painting walls and floors. We also made the kitchen and toilets.
Honestly speaking, I was not sure if we could make it. But every time there is a bicycle-related event around, my friends came along to help us, and my son helped us as well with his friends, making it possible to finish it in September the next year. Once we had about 20 people coming to help us, which made my neighbors quite surprised.

What I realized after having lived here, and my role

People often ask me “It’s hard to get along with neighbors in a countryside, isn’t it?”. But joining the community later than the others, my feeling was simply that “I definitely have to be accepted to the community. I have nothing to lose.”
Once started to live in Miyama, I realized that precisely this having been left out of modernization preserved beautiful landscapes there, along with values that we had lost in urban communities. I started to feel that although those landscapes that Miyama’s ancestors passed down are not mine, rather than concerning only my land and distancing myself from those, I should get involved with them more actively.
At the same time, wherever I go, I hear voices that say “we want more young people to come”. How can we bring active young people who now live in city? I felt there is something that I, who was just doing what I wanted in city, can do about it.
Miyama has a famous tourist spot called “The Historic Village of Thatched Roof Houses” which is designated as a Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings. But it’s not the only place to see there. More than 50 villages the town has are simply materialized local treasure and tourism resource. I started to think about a project that can gradually present them as one, and the first thing I did was to produce a project proposal “Miyama – the Capital of Bicycle” project, by just throwing in what I was feeling and then I showed it to people around me.

Interview: Kinya Hayakawa,Masako Hayakawa
Translation: Communa Translation Design, LLP

BLACKY Nakajima

Born in Kyoto. Representative of “Wielerschool Japan”, which consists of cyclists from across Japan that came together under the slogan of “Giving Joy of Cycling to As Many Children As Possible”. Having been attracted to Miyama, Kyoto where he got to know through bicycle, he and his family moved to a cominka there and works on regional revitalization project. CEO of a graphic design office Fame Imagination. Part-time farmer. Vocalist of a comic band “The Himei” (currently inactive).

19, Kobashimoto, Izumi, Miyama-cho, Nantan, Kyoto, Japan

Wielerschool Japan http://cyclingschool.jp/
Miyama Cycle Green Tour http://www.cyclingmiyama.com/greentour/
Kyoto Miyama Cycle Road Race http://www.cyclingmiyama.com/miyamaroad/
Fame Imagination http://www.fame.co.jp/
Miyama Navi http://www.miyamanavi.net/
