Cominka Owner Interview vol.5 “Nagamachi yugakuan bistari”(2)
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TEL:022-352-7651 FAX:022-352-7652
「長町遊楽庵びすた〜り」のウェブサイト http://www.bistari-nagamachi.com/
より大きな地図で 菊田俊彦さんのオススメスポット を表示 |
この地図の周辺スポットを見る 楓林(フウリン)中華料理 JR長町駅から徒歩1分。美味しくてボリューム満点な中華料理店。 お腹も心も満たされ、元気になれるお店です。 所在地:宮城県仙台市太白区長町5-12-15 電話:022-246-1914 定休日:水曜日 びすた~りフードマーケット 地下鉄長町1丁目駅徒歩1分。 自分達で大切に作った野菜や県内産の農産物を中心に安全・安心の商品を販売しています。 所在地:宮城県仙台市太白区長町1-7-37 電話:022-738-7231 定休日:土・日・祝 |
Cominka Owner Interview vol.5
“Nagamachi yugakuan bistari”(2)
Executive commitee without pay
Connection with the local community
To get the people from the local community know our activities, we organized events in front of the station and explanatory meetings. We also joined shopping streets' events, shrines festivals – we were very active. We also organized an event where people bought a tile we made for a thousand yen. Those tiles are actually used on the pathway which leads to the building.
Synergistic effect between the restaurant's appeal and its role as an institution
What makes our restaurant attractive is that “Buildings, fields and everyone – all are working hard”. Disabled people, apart from working in this restaurant, as part of their job, join lectures, visit various work-places and take professional training. These activities are important for their growth, but since hard-working results in much stress, it cannot go on only this way. Touching the earth in the field becomes an exercise to develop their physical strength, as well as to release stress and calm themselves. Such a relaxed atmosphere, together with that of the building, is conveyed to the customer.
One principle of restaurant is thinking as a customer would do. For those who are making a lot of effort, we ask questions such as; “What would you think of it if you saw it from the viewpoint of a customer?” “Why don't we try a bit more?”, in close communication with them. Fulfilling the duty of supporting the disabled people, and making business as a fascinating restaurant are one and the same thing.
Interview: Kinya Hayakawa
Translation: Communa Translation Design, LLP
Toshihiko Kikuta
3-7-1, Nagamachi, Taihaku, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan 982-0011
TEL:+81-22-352-7651 FAX:+81-22-352-7652
Website of Bistari
Here are places the owner of recommends
より大きな地図で Here are places the owner of recommends |
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